Saving Throw Shoppe

Saving Throw Shoppe Logo

Welcome to Saving Throw Shoppe

Apparel, Accessories, and Campaign Accompaniments for D&D players and enthusiasts!

Skip To 'The Goods'

Part 1: Introduction

Understanding This Handbook

Preface: You may be used to reading handbooks in their physical form, however this particular one is delivered to you through the 'Æthernet', a vast and invisible web that spans across the entire world, connecting every library, marketplace, and guildhall.

This web, woven from threads of pure arcane energy, allows people to share knowledge, trade goods, and communicate instantly, regardless of the distance between them.

It may take a little getting used to, so please take some time to adjust before you continue reading.

The following manual is all about Saving Throw Shoppe – an æ-commerce store that aims to provide apparelIncludes shirts, socks, hoodies, and more!, accessoriesEnamel pins, stickers, stationary, and the such!, and campaign accompanimentsHomebrew content, one-shots, maps, dungeons, tools, etc for D&D players and enthusiasts!

While we wish for it to eventually become your ultimate destination for all your campaigning needs, we start with a humble offering of lovingly crafted items. Each piece is offered at a fair price, in hopes of earning your patronage.

The buttons listed below are also displayed at the top of the page:

Click this button to toggle compendium mode – this changes this handbook into a regular website without all these bells and whistles.

Click this button to toggle between dark and light mode.

Additional Information
Environment Description
Non-Player Character
Perform A Dice Roll
Dice Roll Effect
External Æthernet Link

Part 2: The Goods

Perusing the merchandise available for sale

As you step through the door, a small bell chimes, announcing your arrival. The scent of aged wood and a faint hint of incense fills the air. The shop is cozy but packed to the brim with an eclectic array of goods. Shelves line the walls, laden with items ranging from everyday necessities to more unusual artifacts.

In the center of the room, a large wooden counter dominates the space, behind which stands an elderly dwarf with a long, braided beard. The walls are adorned with tapestries and maps, some depicting distant lands and others showing arcane symbols. A soft, golden light emanates from a series of lanterns hanging from the ceiling, casting a warm and inviting glow over the shop.

The atmosphere is vibrant and full of the promise of discovery, inviting you to explore the many treasures the Saving Throw Shoppe has to offer.

The shopkeeper looks up from behind the counter. With a warm, gravelly voice, he greets you:

"Ah, welcome, travelers! You've found your way to my quaint shoppe! Whether you're looking for supplies for your next journey, a rare trinket, or something special for a loved one, you'll find it here. Oh, and by the way, I'm Gorim, at your service! Feel free to browse~"

— Gorim, Shopkeeper
Filter Goods

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Part 3: The Credits

Behind-the-scenes details

Saving Throw Shoppe is created and run by Orcus & Vanth – a small, independent, two-person team (Teresia & Andrew-David) developing brands for niche interests.

(Info about the artists here)

Social Network Handle & Link
Instagram @savingthrowshoppe
Tumblr @savingthrowshoppe
Threads @savingthrowshoppe
Facebook @savingthrowshoppe
Twitter @savingthrowshop